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Tiffany Johnson

In a short amount of time, I started visiting Victory Chapel great things have happened in my life. I have met the nicest and most supportive people at church and even though I’m starting back over in my walk with Christ they have assured me I’m in the right place just as I am. The comfort and peace I feel in my spirit at church is further confirmation from God that I am where I’m supposed to be. The member who invited me happened to come through my checkout lane at Target while I was picking up a shift and after telling me about Victory Chapel I agreed to visit. For a while, I had to be picked up or dropped off because I didn’t have a car after 2 accidents back to back. Now I not only have 2 great jobs that I love but I was able to buy a car after my first week of working at my new job! The amazing saints at Victory Chapel prayed over me constantly and I had faith God would turn things around for me and He did!! There is power in numbers and prayer. I can bear witness to that fact. Please come as you are and meet some of God's amazing people at Victory Chapel!  


Melissa Nagirny

"My name is Melissa and at the age of 12, I came to a personal relationship with Jesus when I was invited to Victory Chapel. I met my amazing husband of 15 years here and have 2 wonderful children. In February 2021 I was told by my doctor there was a mass she saw on a screening I did and she advised further testing. At first, I was really concerned but then realized I needed to trust God so I asked my church family to pray for me and when I went back to the doctor for an ultrasound the doctor came back and told me it was just a lymph node. Praise God for this miracle and good report!  I'm so thankful and blessed with all that God has done in my life."

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Javier Anguita

I had been praying for a job for almost six months and that I would wait for God to move.   A job opened up on NAS Jax.   When I applied I was immediately declined, but God told me to wait on Him.  I waited for two months and I got the job two weeks before I graduated.  No matter what, wait on God because He answers prayers.

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Claudette Falconer

As a child, my grandmother told me to pray and to stay in touch with God.  That He is my rock that never moves. In my life things happened that only God could take me through them and being alive now is proof that God is alive and real. It’s 2019 and I am living with cancer of the blood and bones. I was diagnosed in 2006 and God has been my rock from then on. When I was 13 years old, I was my own bone marrow donor, I prayed that day and it went well. Now I pray every day and God has replied every time. God is wonderful! There was in pain in my feet, I prayed again.  When I woke up, all my pain was gone! Praise God! Our church had a revival with Evangelist Kris Hart.

Updated Testimony:

I had pain in my right arm and was prayed for by the evangelist. I was not healed in the moment but the next morning I woke up and my arm was healed. All my pain was gone! Praise God!

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Laurie Campbell

After having a cesarean four years ago, I have had numbness in that area and it had never been restored or healed. But a few months ago my Pastor asked if any of us ladies had a cesarean and if so did we still have numbness in that area? He had those of use who did stand up and led us in prayer. After that prayer, he instructed us to go and check the area to see if there was any change. I must admit I was a bit nervous, but when I went to check that area there was feeling.  Months later I am so amazed still that I am totally and completely healed! I do thank God for his healing power and for a wonderful Pastor who hears from God and prayed for us that night. I am so excited to see what God will do next in and through his people!   

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Dlondre Clay

I believe God spoke to me at our annual Bible conference to believe Him for a great financial increase and blessing. Shortly after the conference, our babysitter quit, and my wife had to resign from her position working on NAS JAX Naval Base and stay home to raise our daughter.  Losing my wife's income put me in a position where I had to apply for jobs and believe God to fulfill what He spoke to me. The very first job I applied for I interviewed and the manager politely told me I was unqualified for the position but he liked that I was a man of God and that he was also a Christian. A couple of weeks passed and he called me back offering me the position and I gladly accepted. Not only did God bless me with almost ten more dollars per hour but he re-opened a door for my family blessing me with a job on NAS JAX Naval Base where my wife and I have served in our military base ministry for 3 years together reaching our military for Jesus.  I do thank God for his continued faithfulness!


Manny DeJesus

I went to the revival with Evangelist Kris Hart experiencing pain in both my lower back and knee. During his sermon, he called for those in the audience that were experiencing this type of pain and I stood up. As Evangelist Hart spoke and I believed for complete healing, God did a miracle. The pain in my lower back and knee were completely gone!


Brian Sutton

During the last revival with Kris Hart, I was experiencing pain in my knee. One of the nights of revival he called for those in the audience that had that type of pain in their body, and I raised my hand. When I stood up from my seat Kris Hart said, “the blood of Jesus” and I was healed! There was no more pain in my knee at all.


Sharon Silva

I have battled back pain off and on for years now, but I was recently healed during the revival. During the Tuesday night service, I came up to the front when he was praying for people to be healed. I explained my back pain and how long I had dealt with it. He prayed for me and as I believed for a miracle, I realized the pain was completely gone. Thank you, God!


Ladarius West

My sinuses have been messed up since I was in middle school. At the recent revival with Kris Hart, he was praying for people to be healed and I thought to myself, I can always ask for prayer. I walked up to Evangelist Hart and told him about my sinuses. He put his hand on my shoulder and said, “as you listen to me speak, your sinuses are clearing.” Then I was completely healed and could breathe clearly and fully through my nose.


Julie McDowell

During the revival with Kris Hart God did so many miracles and healings. It was awesome to see! God is so powerful. God healed my knee and touched me, and I am so grateful. God also gave me a word of encouragement and a weight was lifted off me. I am so grateful for what God has done and will keep doing in our church.


Jaylyn Dornes

I had a severe headache and tried taking medicine to help but nothing worked. After praying with Evangelist Kris Hart, I was healed instantly!


Qaylin Tisdale

I had severe pain in my left hand and wrist to the point that it hurt to clap and even rotate it. It also hurt to put weight on it at all. After getting prayed for by Evangelist Kris Hart the pain subsided but I was not satisfied. We kept praying until there was no pain in either my hand or wrist. Now I can actually move it and clap. All praise to Jesus!


Stephanie Shaver

My name is Stephanie Shaver. I gave my life to Jesus Christ on May 28th, 2002. I’ve had some rough patches through the years, however, I got through them with God’s grace and mercy. My husband was my biggest support, even through all of the times I strayed. Unfortunately my husband passed away from covid-19 September 9th, 2020. After he passed I let my emotions dictate my life. I honestly contemplated suicide. The mere sadness took over and thought I’d never regain my sanity. I also quit coming for awhile. After awhile I knew I had to come back. When I did, I joined a recovery class held twice a month. The very first class they spoke about how God created us in His own image and that we are so precious to Him. Something broke in me that night. I have known what the word of God says but didn’t claim it for a very long time. When I heard those words that night, I truly experienced a miracle that night. Yes, I still miss my husband, but I’m filled with true joy and peace. Just admitting to others what I had went through and believing the word of God set me free of that dark place I was in. He will never give me more than I can handle, so that tells me how much faith He has in me. My life has never been the same after that first recovery class and just keeps getting better and better. My daughter noticed a difference and now she’s back too! Thanks to Victory Chapel and the folks who spend the time to make sure I have the opportunity to recover from that magnitude of loss. Most of all, thank you Jesus!

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Jordan & Chantel Lowery

My name is Chantel Lowery. My husband, Jordan, and I chose to sell our house a couple of months ago because we lived an hour away from our church. We wanted to be closer so we could faithfully attend and be more involved. With the housing market the way it is right now, we were not getting many offers. Our money got tighter and tighter. We were struggling to stay afloat, and it felt like a direct attack on our marriage, faith, and emotions. So we prayed together, fasted together, and believed God
for a miracle in our finances and for an offer on our house. Three months later, after we have continuously believed and trusted God during this rough season, we have received an offer on our house and are officially under contract! AND my job called me to give me both a raise and a promotion! All glory to God, our Provider. God is so merciful, so good, so faithful, and He is always on time.


Blake Barley

I was being mean to a friend and everytime I said something his face was sad and I later realized that he was struggling in life so I asked God for his forgiveness. I spoke to him and asked if he could forgive me and now we are best friends because of God's grace.

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Chandler English

I’ve been believing God for eight years to touch my mother, Carol English.  I was believing and praying for her salvation.   I reached out to her and invited her to one of our Arena productions called “Salvage.”  She came and responded to the alter call, surrendering her life to Christ.  She has been filled with joy ever since.  You can even see a peace about her.  She was always filled with worry before.  Thank God he cares and loves her enough to draw her to Him!

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Emily Anguita

On July 20, 2019, I went to the Emergency room due to chest pains.  When I arrived, they took me straight back.  To make a long story short, my blood work showed signs of blood clots.  My son contacted our assistant pastor, Pastor Jeremy, and the church rallied together to pray for me.  When the nurses and medics ran the EKG, ultrasound, and even a CT all the results came back negative.   My doctor even said she cannot explain it.  I said “I can, my God showed up.”


Breanne Barclay

Recently, I’ve been praying and fasting for God to give me a full time job with normal working hours. God answered my prayers and blessed me with a well-paying job with great hours.  These hours don’t interfere with what God is doing in our church and my life.


Anna McDonald

Are you going through life’s hard trials and have no one to turn to? I recently experienced a plethora of medical circumstances within my family; my sister was diagnosed with melanoma, my brother with negative force on the core of his brain, my mom was in the hospital with pneumonia and eventually stepped into eternity, and one of my favored aunts also passed away. I don’t
know how anyone can endure what life throws at you without having the Hope of God.
I believe in God’s faithfulness to handle my life’s journey with my best interests in hand and His blessed assurance that sometimes He will have to carry me. Other times His tender loving care strengthens me. I invite you, if life is hitting you hard, come visit us here at Victory Chapel and find your solace and strength in the arms of Jesus. 


Mila Adams

Hello, my Name is Mila Adams and I want to testify about the miracle God has done in my son's life.  My son Kyle was recently diagnosed with cancer in his bladder.  On hearing this I asked my church family at Victory Chapel to pray for him and we began to pray together as a church.  The doctors wanted my son to have surgery to remove the cancer from his bladder so my son Kyle had the surgery but the cancer was still there.  My church and I continued to pray and link our faith together and believe God to heal him and do a miracle.  The doctors wanted to do another surgery because all their evaluations showed that the cancer was still there, but on the day of the surgery the doctors did a final evaluation and they were in shock and awe as the cancer was totally gone.  Praise God as He completely healed my son of cancer!  I just want to thank my Pastor and church family for praying and believing that God is a miracle working God.


Lora Rasmussen

Our church recently had a revival with Evangelist Kris Hart. During one of the night services, he asked if anyone in the congregation had pain in their back. I have battled this pain for years now and raised my hand along with others that had the same kind of pain. Kris Hart prayed for us, but I was not completely healed. He then came over to me, spoke a word of encouragement, and prayed with me specifically. He asked me to sit in a chair and measured my legs, revealing that one was shorter than the other. We prayed together again and as my leg grew out the pain in my back vanished. I was healed!


Bethany Bonser

I came into the church for the Kris Hart revival with pain in my feet. When the evangelist called it out, the pain completely disappeared.

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Demetria Parker

My name is Demetria, I had shoulder pain for a year now. During the Kris Hart revival, he prayed for me. At first I felt no change, then he gave me a word. He stated God wanted me to know, there was someone who accused me of something. The Evangelist said, God wanted me to know it’s not my fault. He then led me in a prayer of forgiveness and instantly I was healed. God is the same yesterday and today he still heals.

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Laiza Carden

My Name is Laiza Carden, I’m here to share the miracles that God has done in my life in the past couple of weeks of attending Victory Chapel. First, let me tell you a little about me and my family. My husband Howard and our little Samuel moved to Florida from Oregon 2 months ago. During this process, we were praying to God to lead us to a church more than anything else. To make a long story short, we found Victory Chapel through Google and as soon as we placed our feet in the church, we already knew that God had answered our prayers. There was a Revival on 2/6/2022 and the preacher, after the altar call, called for women who had abdominal pain. A few days before the Revival, I was having abdominal pain BUT THAT NIGHT, when the preacher prayed over me and told me I was healed, I believed it and I received it! It has been almost a month since that night and I have not had any abdominal pain, Thank you, Jesus! 


More than 15 years ago my body stopped accepting chicken and I learned that I am allergic to poultry. Every time I would eat chicken I would start itching, getting hives, and constriction of airways. On March 2, 2022, again God did a miracle in my life. While having dinner at Applebee’s, there were chicken nuggets on the table that I was eyeballing, and Pastor Jeremy said that I can have some. My husband and I shared with them my condition. Pastor Jeremy said “God can heal you,” and that God can do miracles. He asked me if I believed him, and I said “yes”. He asked me if I wanted to receive the healing from God I said “yes”. Everyone there prayed for me. After the prayer, I grabbed the biggest piece of chicken on the plate, without having any fear and ate the chicken! After the meeting, we went home and fell asleep. I woke up the next day and it was as if I didn’t eat chicken last night! I am so excited and just happy that I can finally enjoy the southern fried chicken. My allergy of more than 15 years is gone! God is good! God is a God of miracles! I am healed from the bondage of sickness, from the bondage of fear! I am free as a chicken, I mean as a bird! 

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Hana Lobas

I had severe foot pain in both feet to the point that waking up in the morning was depressing knowing how much it was going to hurt when my feet hit the floor. I would pray every day for God to heal me, but nothing changed. I remember going up for prayer at a revival and just breaking down when they asked us if we were healed, and I wasn't. This went on for years; until one day I woke up in the morning and realized it
didn't hurt! I could walk without pain! I can't say why it happened the way it did or why it took so long but it made me realize...don't give up. God IS faithful!! I think there is a saying that goes, we can't schedule a miracle, but God's plan is right on schedule. I give God ALL the glory for delivering me from that awful pain and I am so grateful that I have been pain-free ever since!

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Christina Curtis

On May 5th, 2021 I invited a friend from high school to a revival with Pastor Campbell. Her eldest brother was in and out of the hospital. He had to be placed on life support not once but TWICE, and doctors had no idea what was causing the issues. Doctors ran several tests but could not figure out why he would stop breathing. He was a heavy smoker, but there was no sign of lung cancer. All imaging and blood work came back normal, but he still was not able to breathe on his own. He needed a miracle! My friend came to revival, and after service, my husband and I, Pastor Daniel, and a few others laid hands on her and prayed for her brother. The next day, May 6th, 2021, he was taken off life support and he was awake! He has not been back to the hospital since, and he hasn't touched a cigarette since! He was struggling with nicotine addiction most of his life and was never able to quit. Today, August 31, 2022, he still has not touched a cigarette and has not been back to the hospital. Although my friend has not come to Christ yet, God revealed himself to her in a way where she has no doubt. She is amazed by the miraculous power of God and shares the good news of the miracle HE did in her brother!


Mary Duncan

Hello my name is Mary Duncan. On 8/6/20, my daughter got COVID-19, and because she lived with me, we both got put out of work. We were devastated as I was supporting my son and me. I was able to file for unemployment to be my daughter's caretaker for COVID-19, and precisely one week later, I was told I had breast cancer. My church prayed and believed for me to be healed, and my cancer surgeon told me he had good news for me but could not explain why. He said that I would only have to take radiation now and not Chemo because my Cyst has shrunk. I was so happy I felt like shouting, and I told him I knew why, that it was because my church had prayed so much and so fervently and laid hands on me not once but many times and that God does answer prayers! I thank God and praise him daily for what he has done. If I had gotten out of work because of cancer, only then I wouldn't have been paid, but God works in the most mysterious ways, and he provided for me and my family through all of this. I can honestly say that I am currently working and in remission. Thanks be to God!


Karen Tucker

Hello my name is Karen Tucker. In my mid to late twenties, I have become allergic to bananas, avocado, and latex. I would get violently sick with sharp pains in my stomach, my throat would close, and I would break out on my arms and hands. One night during revival in 2023, the guest speaker invited those with allergies to come up for prayer. I went up to be prayed for even though I went up two other times for the same issue. That night was different! The next day I tested myself at work and I ate a banana with no issues, I also tested myself with latex and avocado, and still no issues almost a year later. Even if you don't see the healing immediately then keep praying and believing. I am so grateful for what God has done!


Mawon Brown

I’ve been delivered from shoulder pain and my life was spared when I almost got fully ran over by a pickup truck. It had just missed running me over by a couple feet. Although my legs still got hit, I went to the hospital finding out I had no broken bones. Most importantly, God saved me spiritually and gave me a new heart and an amazing church family! 


Lesly Pierce

My name is Lesly. August 3rd will be 24 years since I gave my life to Jesus Christ. I want to give God all the honor, glory, and praise for my healing! 


​I came to the Wednesday night revival meeting with a broken foot, in a boot, with a lot of pain and swelling. I was not able to put any weight on my foot at all. When the invitation was given to come to the altar for prayer for healing, I went up limping but asking God for a miracle. As we prayed, Pastor Campbell challenged us to begin to move and test the afflicted areas. I began to test my injury by putting weight on my foot and was able to stand completely without any assistance from the cane. The pain was completely gone! The next day I went to the doctor for a follow up x-ray and the bone was completely healed! Glory be to God.

Nancy Selph

For 4 days prior to coming to church on Sunday morning,02/16/2025, I was having pain in my back and blood pressure issues. After I was prayed for by the evangelist during the service today, my back pain went away and so did my blood pressure issues. Praise God!


Victory Chapel Christian Fellowship Church is a contemporary, growing, relevant and cutting-edge church in Jacksonville, FL.

Come as you are, leave better!


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